Over half an hour of Blood Dragon footage was posted on YouTube today - and was quickly being pulled down by Ubisoft - seemingly evidence that the exploit works and is being used to play the unreleased game. Ubisoft's unannounced shooter Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is apparently lying on Ubisoft's servers, available to download to those who have the exploit. The software hack is able to trick uPlay into thinking users already own a particular game, making it available to download at no cost and with no DRM. Original story: A band of Russian hackers have broken through the security on Ubisoft's PC games launcher uPlay, allowing them free access to the publisher's games. Uplay's PC download service will be unavailable until the problem is fixed, however all other Uplay services remain available.' 'We are aware of the issue and are working to resolve it quickly. Update: Ubisoft sent in the following statement to Game Informer: